Tuesday, May 4, 2010

YouTube going to movie rentals?

I'm not sure if everyone knows but YouTube launched a way for movie makers to upload full length movies to their site. YouTube then gives the the option to whether of not the film makers want to receive money based on rentals of the movie or by advertisements. If customers were to rent the movies they could do so on Google checkout or PayPal.

Since the site was launched it has not been as successful as many people who quick their jobs to work on this project had thought. Internet movie watchers have not been jumping onto the site to watch the movies as they had hoped. After the movie site opened only a few of the companies top rentals even had 1,000 viewings.

I personally think the reason why is because many people just don't know about the site. YouTube has never done this type of format before and without proper market communications people will not know about it. I think it is a good idea because many people that post on YouTube are trying to do the same thing that small movie makers are. They are trying to get their material out to a lot of people so they get noticed.

Are you friends with your mom on facebook?

Social networks have become a big part of how we interact with people and earn networks. Right now some of the most popular networks are twitter, facebook and linked in. All three of these social networks try to reach a different demographic. In 2006 facebook opened up their website to anyone over the age of 13 that has a active email address. This means that anyone can sign up for the website even if they are as old as 80 years old. This opened up an entirely different concern with kids online. Should they friend their parents on facebook? According to a survey by Retrevo, almost half of parent say that they are friends with their children on social networking sites. When parent were surveyed they said that they understood the social networking sites enough to know some things on them are unexeptable but they still allow it. 12 % of the parents say that they use taking away these sites as a form of punishment for their children.

Many parents see a benefit in friending their kids on facebook even though it may be awkward at times. But 52% of kids do not friend their parents on facebook but can make their parents happy by friending them and then use privacy controls!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cells Phones in Schools

In this blog I will talk about the relationships between cell phones and the younger generation that are getting cell phones at younger ages. Right now approximately three quarters of all teens have cell phones which is up by 45% from 2004 when I was in high school. I remember being in high school and my parents arguing with me over whether or not I should have a phone. I won the argument because I was driving and I needed a phone in case anything happened. Nowadays teens are getting cell phones and they do not have a good argument. Because of this trend, schools are talking more about what procedures they have to take with cell phones in schools. When looking at these trends 88% of cell phone owners text. This is up from 50% in 2006 when texting was not as popular. People have come to the point where they are texting more than they are talking face to face. One of the biggest things circulating with texting right now is the idea of "sexting." Although only 4% of teens claim to have done this, it is still an issue that needs to be addressed.

Even though schools ban cell phones, teens still find ways to bring them to class and text. With all the new technology with cell phones and other digital devices schools are going to have to look at policies to help conbat this problem.

Information from: Examiner.com

Founder of Netflix Aquires Online Education Startup

Recently the founder of Netflix, Reed Hastings, has gone into a different area of technology. He has realized that the idea of digital learning is growing and will be at its peak in the upcoming years. In order to stay current and with the trends he has aquired the DreamBox Learning Company that was that offers digital games that have hidden lesson plans within them.

Hastings is a former Math teacher himself and thought this would be a great way to use the internet in a less entertaining way, and in more of an educational sense. With the introduction of the Kinddle and the IPad, this is a great idea. Soon classrooms will be upgrading technology and this will be a great way to get children interactively involved.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Google Tablet

With the recent introduction of the iPad many companies are hard at work trying to find a product that will be an iPad killer. Hewlett-Packard, Acer, Microsoft and a suite of other companies are trying to work on products that will hopefully meet this category.

Although Apple's iPad will generally beat out most of its competition, Google's new slate computer will hopefully give them a run for their money.

Recently Eric E. Schmidt, the chief executive of Google, told people that the new slate computer would run the Android operating system. He also said that they have been working towards getting a device that makes it easy for people to get books, magazines and other content on a tablet.

Although Google is excited about their new slate, they are aware that they may not get it perfect the first time but feel like this is a common theme through this new technology.

Google also announced that the device will run Adobe Flash content and games. This is one way Goggle can stay ahead of Apple and compete within similar categories. Apple recently announced that they will not be taking applications that contain any Adobe software, all products must use Apple's property software.

Google feels like they can succeed in this category even though Apple has most of the market share now. Multiscreen products are growing beyond Apple's devices and this is where Google is going to take advantage.

Google says they will probably be running the Chrome Web browser from Google on the new slate. They will offer a completely open platform-an approach to counter Apple's closed App storemodel.

help from article by NICK BILTON talking about Google slate